Embracing Jewish Adulthood: Act like a Jew, think like a Jew, speak like a Jew
Practical Judaism, Jewish text study, Modern Hebrew, Tefillah, Tikkun Olam
Wednesdays: 4-7:00 PM
As we approach B’nai Mitzvah, we need to consider how to live a Conservative, Jewish life.
What does it mean to be a Conservative Jew?
What do Conservative Jews need to know?
What do Conservative Jews need to be able to do?
Students will learn how to…
Speak rudimentary Modern Hebrew.
Ask thoughtful questions about how they can apply their Jewish learning to their lives.
Observe Judaism at home, focusing on the practicalities of celebrating Jewish holidays, hanging mezuzot, wearing Tallit and Tefillin, and keeping Kosher.
Students will understand…
The Conservative movement’s stance on key issues.
How to think like a Conservative Jew through learning Jewish texts and applying Jewish wisdom to make Modern Day decisions.
That Hebrew is the language of the global Jewish people, as well as the language used in Israel and for prayer and study.
How to act like a Conservative Jew through performing mitzvot and Tikkun Olam for the community.
Students will believe that…
Performing mitzvot with and for others is an obligation that also enriches your life and your connection to the community.
Jewish texts can give us guidance as we make decisions about how to lead our lives.
Learning Hebrew is a way of strengthening your connection to the global Jewish community and to Medinat Yisrael.
Participating in Jewish holidays and rituals is meaningful.
For more information about JRS programming, please contact Seth Golob, Director of Jackson Religious School and Family Engagement, at (212) 593-3300, or at